

Goal: One year of growth, or more, for one year of schooling

District direction: Use the research of John Hattie to guide us in the top yielding instructional strategies to focus on.

District focus area: Support teacher and student clarity around what one is learning for the day and how one knows it is learned for the day.
Assessed by asking students during class visits, and/or by asking teachers.

Each school also has a focus area and ways to monitor growth:
Teacher clarity
Developing a visible learner
Providing effective feedback
Know thy impact through quality formative assessment

Action Steps:
Continued site and district collaboration.

Provide any desired professional development especially in the above focus area(s).

The district also has a strong focus in the content area of literacy; using the above top instructional strategies in providing reading, writing, listening and speaking instruction throughout the day for students, as is providing some reading workshops.

Use of instructional coaches to support planning, model instruction, observe and debrief.

Provide monthly PIP/STP and new teacher workshops around the above.

Sites send staff to various conferences especially around the above.

Here are some of my professional goals to support the district vision and evaluate my impact.

*Communicate a clear vision, direction, and expectations, to all of Konocti Unified members
*Communicate the Konocti SMARTER Goal to staff via the website
*Share the vision with principals to share with staff
*Walk-thrus at schools and in classrooms 1x to 2x a month and provide critical feedback around vision, direction and expectations
*Report out the direction and progress to the school board at least every other month
*Allow time at each principal meeting to discuss the direction, expectation, progress, next steps, best practices.

Evidence of impact:
*Ask a teacher focus group about their understanding of the direction, why this direction, and what the expectations are
*Increased teacher and student clarity from the 2x a month walk-thrus (see a 5% -10% increase from the baseline data)
*Increased reading scores by 5-10% in December and again in March; adequate number of students showing hinge effect in December subject area assessments and again in March
*Increase by 5% to 10% of students proficient/advanced on the SBAC interim block reading assessment in January/February

*Based on research and the needs of the district, provide meaningful and relevant professional development to drive the direction of the district.
*All day staff development on what works best in education
*All day staff development on each school site’s focus area, revolving around what works best in education
*Principal meetings devoted to instruction and learning; with evidence to monitor our progress and impact
*Collaboration time devoted to instruction and learning; with more regular data analysis around student progress and adult impact
*PIP/STP workshops on classroom management and teacher clarity (content area is literacy)
*Professional development workshop on close reading per site
*After school deliberate weekly and lesson planning; identifying the LI and SC and then aligning the resources and activities
*Offer additional pertinent PD  in reading instruction or in writing/articulating success criteria
Evidence of Impact:
*The minutes from collaboration
*Student’s growth on this December growth data per subject area and grade level
*Students reading growth on the SRI and Reading in December by 5% -10% and again in March  *Adequate number of students showing hinge effect in December subject area assessments and again in March
*Increase by 5% to 10% of students proficient/advanced on the SBAC interim block reading assessment in Janaury/February
*Increased evidence of teacher clarity and student clarity in the classroom via walk-thrus

*Seek regular feedback from administration and staff around professional development and collaboration; respond timely and accordingly
*Sought feedback via google forms after September 26 – synthesized and reported out to Konocti and to the school board
*Adjusted October 31 SDD based on the feedback
*Adjusted collaboration agenda topics based on the feedback
*Sound feedback after October 31 – synthesized and reported out to Konocti, to principals and to the school board
*Respond by allowing more time to plan at collaboration
*Continue to respond accordingly to the district data
*Develop addtional PD based on request
*Provide individual feedback after each class visit
*Continue to gather feedback at district collaboration
Evidence of Impact:
*Gained clarity as evidenced from the teacher-focus group responses
*Increased teacher clarity and student clarity in walk-thrus
*Use of Fall CAASPP data, STAR and SRI Data, SBAC block interim data as feedback
*Minutes and responses from the adults about the student reading levels, about the December results, about the SBAC interim assessment results
*Minutes from the December and March district collaboration regarding instructional next steps based on the growth data

*Provide administration and staff with student data to regularly monitor, analyze, and respond to
*Provided Caaspp results in the fall for principals to analyze (and then principals used similar data to analyze with their staff in the fall)
*Provided structure for school sites to analyze the baseline reading data – STAR or SRI; and SBAC interim assessment results on a regular basis
*Develop quarterly time in principal meetings to analyze student academic data, walkthrough data, teacher focus group data, feedback information
*Use of Star and SRI and CAASPP and Aeries as viable data management systems

Evidence of Impact:
*Principals used similar data in the fall to analyze with their staff
*Minutes and responses from the adults about the student reading levels, in September, again with December results
*Minutes and responses from staff about their SBAC results in December and again in January/February
* 5% -10% increase in reading scores in December and again in March; adequate number of students showing hinge effect in December subject area assessments and again in March.
*Increase by 5% to 10% of students proficient/advanced on the SBAC interim block reading assessment in January/February
*Minutes from the December and March district collaboration regarding instructional next steps based on the growth data

Remember Teresa Amabile, in her book, The Progress Principle, proclaims the power of progress, stating that well-being and motivation, attitude and behavior, all improve with the increase of progress.

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