
The Fall Happenings of Konocti Unified

November in Konocti

 Kids learning even after the school day

The "littles" learning how to read and to read for understanding

The Vision for our Kiddos = Work in partnership with students to develop: 
+ Content knowledge especially literacy
+ Cognitive skills
+ Capacity in the way of gaining learner strategies  and problem-solving skills 
so as to be ready and well-adjusted folks to succeed in their future endeavors and for the what the future holds.

The Goal = 1+ for all students and staff alike
Konocti lays the groundwork with strong relationships among-st its staff and students.

In an inviting and welcoming environment, staff can, then, embark on several  fundamental practices and ignite that deep learning in students of one year's growth or more. (Knowing people use more than just these four practices) 

Some fundamental action steps to cause this 1+:
1.) Clarity - clear expectations through the learning intention and success criteria
2.) Always knowing one's impact based on student progress
3.) Other high leverage strategies within these two instructional pillars such as formative assessment and feedback.

Teacher Clarity and Student Clarity can double the rate of learning. Here is how we are doing.

October 24 All Day Staff Development Day

 The goal of the day was the following:
** Learn some new high-leverage strategies specific to one's content area
** Time to process and plan with their colleagues
** Long-term outcomes:
          * See the new learnings discussed in collaboration
          * See the enhanced instruction through the growth and well-being of the students

Feedback from a representative teachers and presenters as well as my observations in alignment with the purpose of the day.

     1.)    Some of the feedback was less favorable, mainly for these two reasons
a.)     Differentiate more about the content. (Example - one preferred the presenter show us " how" instead of telling us how).

b.)    The training was challenging and new in the way I am use to teaching. (Example - little notice to prep with little clarity around the expectations, and would have enjoyed learning something from others. Another example: when and how can I organize this new pedagogy?) 
     2.)    Most of the feedback was favorable for two reasons:

a.)     Viewed the trainers as professional and viewed as expert in their content area.. (Example - felt as though they were able to focus on what was most important for their department)

b.)    Appreciated the time, the time to process- talk about the new learning with their colleagues in the same content area and to talk vertically with colleagues as the workshops were grades 6 -12. (Example - wanted time to collaborate with peers, time to debrief, unpack everything that was introduced to us)

Response or resolution for the next All Day Staff Development Day
**Return of the presenters that came valued– internally and externally so as to continue with content, with new learning, processing and planning time with colleagues.
**Add more presenters for departments and so as to differentiate the content for folks (example – foundational skills and then close reading…………….Others wanted more about close reads and other reading strategies like guided reading when unpacking complex text with students).
** Ensure time in the workshops for collaborating – talking – planning time with peers and colleagues.

Evidence of the importance of school and educators as we see one student, of many enjoying the gift of reading and the pure curiosity of children.

As John Locke shared, "Curiosity in Children ia but an appetite for knowledge".


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