
October is Here

As the Season Changes

  As we settle into the month of October, our job is to teach, lead, and collaborate in a way electrifies the joy of learning and learning at deep levels.

From the students' point of view:
I learned how to read.  I am reading to find the author's main point with some supporting details
a) I am learning math. What kind of math are you learning? I am learning how to add two-digit numbers.
b) It is important as I grow up.
                                         c) When I am stuck, I try the problem again. I                                                 look at my notes. I ask my teacher

From the recent classroom visits:

Students were talking about their learning (versus the task). For example, students shared how they were learning to solve equations using rational numbers. In another classroom example, students were charting their progress from writing different types of sentences. Students studied the feedback and their progress. As a result, some students re-took the practice quiz.
More and more students are involved in formative assessment practices. At one school site, students and the teacher engaged in frequent and multiple assessment practices. For example, teachers may have called on non-volunteers to response to a reading comprehension question; students maybe have responded chorally to a reading passage; a selection of students showed the class they solved the problem.

This year continue Getting Better at Getting Better

Today, the purpose of education is two-fold, the teaching of knowledge and the teaching of character (Martin Luther King, Jr. 1974).

Konocti has an opportunity to enroll our students in their journey of learning by infusing certain practices in daily instruction:

Clarity: Communicate what is expected of our students as well as what and how to achieve
Relationships: Strong connectivity with their teachers and their peers
Formative Assessment Practice: Check-in regularly about one's progress
Effective Feedback: Regular comments about what is going well and how to improve

As students can answer the following questions, students are becoming self-sufficient life-long learners:

What they are learning
How well they are progressing in their learning
What steps to take next in their learning

When such instructional practices, as listed above, are effectively implemented, then students can answer the following questions and as a result, will learn at the content at a deep level, be aware of their learning and progress, and be able to employ strategies to advance their own learning.

Konocti commits to a variety of support beams to ensure such quality instruction: a) professional learning and training, b) collaboration, c) instructional coaching.

Together we are better. This picture is of an array of community members in Spain. They are linking together to build the base for a human tower. the tower stands four stories tall: four stories tall of groups of boys standing upright. The final story of the tower stands one boy. As the Spanish community believes, the human tower only works because every single person plays an equal role and responsibility.


September is Here

Galvanizing the Joy of Learning

Over 35 newly hired teaching staff joined Konocti for the New Teacher Academy days on August 8 and August 9.
Excitement ran high as people described their reason for teaching, their reason for teaching in Konocti. I shared that I look to teach and inspire people, adults and students, so that, after each interaction, they and I are in a "better" place.
Many shared a story about wanting to make a difference due to a common thread,  "a teacher believed in me and now I can believe in my students".

Konocti Unified classified and certificated met their new superintendent on August 12. The superintendent shared her purpose through a story and asked us to draw upon the reason we work in the field of education.

Students arrived at school with thrill and curiosity. 

As we embark on the month of September, our job is to teach, lead, and collaborate in a way electrifies the joy of learning and learning at deep levels.

As I traveled around school and classrooms, I saw the energy and learning and I felt the energy and learning being reinforced in these ways:
" Now before we clean up, turn to your partner and tell them "good job".
" It is up to us as the adults to create that culture of acceptance, hard work, pride, respect.
 Staff and kids taking time every day to stop and read. We are reading for life - that is how important reading is for the future of young people.
Over 15 people gathering after school for 1.5 hours to talk about targeted instruction and services to assist in the education for and in the inclusion of our English language learners.
"We are a community. We are here to help. It is hard work. We got it".
"I did this well. Yet I could talk less and let my students talk more". The two not only talked about ideas, but the idea was also observed and modeled and then practiced.

From the students' point of view:
" I like my teacher"
" I enjoy seeing my friends".
"I am learning to speak English in a safe setting."
" My teacher makes me set goals".
" I am learning my letters and that is important for reading".
" He teaches math in a way that I understand".

I know there is more. Send me an email about how you are doing this. I will post some of the responses in this blog.
Invite me to your class, I can also capture the techniques on camera and post to the blog.

This year we are going to continue Getting Better at Getting Better

Today, the purpose of education is two-fold, the teaching of knowledge and the teaching of character (Martin Luther King, Jr. 1974).

Konocti has an opportunity to enroll our students in their journey of learning by infusing certain practices in daily instruction:

Clarity: Communicate what is expected of our students as well as what and how to achieve
Relationships: Strong connectivity with their teachers and their peers
Formative Assessment Practice: Check-in regularly about one's progress
Effective Feedback: Regular comments about what is going well and how to improve

As students can answer the following questions:

What they are learning
How well they are progressing in their learning
What steps to take next in their learning

When such practices are effectively implemented, then students can answer the following questions and as a result, will learn at the content at a deep level, be aware of their learning and progress, and be able to employ strategies to advance their own learning.

Konocti commits to a variety of support beams to ensure quality instruction: a) professional learning and training, b) collaboration, c) instructional coaching.

Together we are better. This picture is of an array of community members in Spain. They are linking together to build the base for a human tower. the tower stands four stories tall: four stories tall of groups of boys standing upright. The final story of the tower stands one boy. As the Spanish community believes, the human tower only works because every single person plays an equal role and responsibility.